Louisville Association of Paralegals, Inc. (the “Corporation”), is a non-profit Kentucky professional corporation (“Corporation”) which exists for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the paralegal profession by providing its members with the resources, education, and information necessary to provide high quality legal services within the legal community.
Upcoming LAP Events
LBA CalendarCLICK HERE to check out the Louisville Bar Association's upcoming CLEs. Voting/Joint LBA Members may attend most LBA CLE programs for the greatly reduced registration fee of $15.00. |
If you are not already a member, join today to take advantage of the many opportunities and benefits of being a member. The LAP offers a joint membership with the Louisville Bar Association and Voting/Joint LBA Members receive the member benefits of both Associations.
Become an active member of your Association! Committee involvement is a great way to put your talents to work and an opportunity to help chart the course for the Association.
Education Committee: The purpose of the Committee is to plan and coordinate educational seminars that benefit and enhance the development of the paralegal profession.
Historian: The purpose of the Committee is to maintain the records of the LAP.
Job Bank: The purpose of the Committee is to accumulate and disseminate information regarding job openings in Louisville and the surrounding areas.
Membership: The purpose of the Committee shall be to seek qualified persons for membership in the LAP, to solicit and accept applications for membership in the LAP, and to make recommendations for rejection or acceptance of applicants for membership in the LAP.
Nominating: The purpose of the Committee shall be to seek and to evaluate candidates for office and to present them to the membership of the LAP.
Regulatory Affairs: The purpose of the Committee is to keep the LAP abreast of procedures and operating guidelines conform to laws, regulations and industry practices.
Special Events: The purpose of the Committee is to plan luncheons of civic and professional interest and to promote social activities for the members of the LAP.
Student Liaison/Mentor: The purpose is to engage students in the community and act as liaison between the students and the LAP Board.
Technology: The purpose of the Committee is to maintain the LAP website, Facebook, publish PARA*Graphs and to inform LAP members of educational seminars, luncheons and civic events.
Ways and Means: The purpose of the Committee is to coordinate fund raising activities as needed to benefit the LAP.
To volunteer for a LAP Committee or for Committee inquiries, contact us at louisvilleparalegals@gmail.com.